The Tale of Benjamin Bunny by Beatrix Potter - is a children's book written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter, and first published by Frederick Warne & Co. in September 1904. The book is a sequel to The Tale of Peter Rabbit (1902), and tells of Peter's return to Mr. McGregor's garden with his cousin Benjamin to retrieve the clothes he lost there during his previous adventure. In Benjamin Bunny, Potter deepened the rabbit universe she created in Peter Rabbit, and, in doing so, suggested the rabbit world was parallel to the human world but complete and sufficient unto itself.
Benjamin Bunny, a strong-willed Rabbit sits on a bank by a road. Benjamin hears a Gig (carriage) coming down the road. In the Gig are Mr. McGregor driving, and Mrs. McGregor sat beside him in her best bonnet, meaning the couple are surely going out for the whole day. Benjamin goes to visit his cousin Peter Rabbit, who lives with his family in a Burrow under a large tree at the end of the Woods near Mr. McGregor's garden. However, when he gets to his families home, he decides not to ask his Aunt Josephine or other cousins Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton-Tail where Peter is due to not being overly fond of them. Benjamin finds Peter sulking outside the tree, wearing only a red handkerchief. Peter tells Benjamin that his jacket and shoes are being used as a scarecrow in Mr. McGregor's garden. Peter explains how he nearly got killed while in the garden.
Benjamin informs Peter that both the MgGregor's will be out, possibly for the whole day, so they could venture into Mr. McGregor's garden to retrieve the clothes Peter lost there in The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Peter reluctantly agrees. The cousins go into the Garden, however not under the Gate like Peter did last time, but by climbing down a Pear Tree. They find the blue jacket and brown shoes on the Scarecrow, which Peter put on. Unfortunately for Peter, the jacket has shrunk in the rain last night and the shoes have water in them when they are taken off the Scarecrow. Benjamin finds a tam o' shanter hat on the Scarecrow as well, and does try it on, but the hat is too big for him.
Benjamin decides they should use the Handkerchief Peter had wrapped around him to carry some Onions, because they could give the Onions to Peter's mother as a present to get on her good side. Peter is terrified of lingering in the garden, fearing that Mr. and Mrs. McGregor might return, but Benjamin is right at home, telling Peter that he and his father (known as Old Mr. Bunny) come to the Garden every Sunday, to get Lettuces for lunch. After gathering the Onions, Benjamin agrees that they can go. Around a corner however, they see a cat and hide under a basket, but the cat is drawn to the smell of onions and sits on top of the basket, trapping the pair for five hours. Old Mr. Bunny (Benjamin's father) enters the garden, searching for them. He whips the Cat and surprises it so much that she doesn't fight back. After locking the Cat in the greenhouse, he finds his son Benjamin and nephew Peter and is glad they are safe and unharmed, however is furious they left him worried and whips both Rabbits very hard, making them cry.