Jamey Stegmaier

A Crowdfunder's Strategy Guide - Build a Better Business by Building Community

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More Than MoneyJamey Stegmaier knows crowdfunding. He's a veteran of seven successful Kickstarter campaigns (and counting) that have raised over $3.2 million, and he's the proprietor of the widely read Kickstarter Lessons blog. In this book he offers a comprehensive guide to crowdfunding, demonstrating that it can be a powerful way for entrepreneurs to grow their businesses by building community and putting their customers first. This book includes over forty stories of inspiring successes and sobering disasters. Stegmaier uses these examples to demonstrate how to (and how not to) prepare for a campaign, grow a fan base, structure a pitch, find new backers, and execute many other crucially important "nuts and bolts" elements of a successful crowdfunding project.But Stegmaier emphasizes that the benefits of crowdfunding are much more about the "crowd" than the "funding." He shows that if you treat your backers as people, not pocketbooks-communicate regularly and transparently with them, ask their opinions, attend to their needs-they'll become advocates as well as funders, exponentially increasing your project's chances of succeeding.
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