Mike Lupica

Game Changers 1 - Game Changers

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New York Times bestselling author Mike Lupica scores a touchdown with his new middle-grade sports series! Ben McBain is every football team's dream player. He's a jack-of-all-trades guy that can handle almost any position. When the game is on the line, Ben's number is the one being called for the final play. But Ben wants to be the starting quarterback and the one thing standing in his way is the coach's son. Shawn O'Brien looks the part. He has been groomed by his father, a former professional quarterback. But despite his size and arm strength, Shawn is struggling. Ben is torn between being a good teammate and going after his own dream. As Ben finds out, Shawn isn't the easiest person to help. And when Ben gets an unexpected opportunity, the entire game will change for the both of them. Best-selling author Mike Lupica kicks off a winning new series about sports and friendship that will captivate listeners.
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