Tamora Pierce

Circle of Magic 3 - Daja's Book

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The magic is out of control! On a journey to Gold Ridge, the four young mages-in- training--Daja, Sandry, Tris, and Briar--find their special magics overlapping, sometimes in frightening and destructive ways. One burst of this combined magic leads Daja to create an astonishing vine made of living metal. Her creation is worth a small fortune. But can Daja bargain with the Traders who cast her out without losing her soul? Once again Tamora Pierce, America's most popular writer of young adult fantasy, leads the Full Cast Family in a thrilling exploration of her intricately woven CIRCLE OF MAGIC. Tamora Pierce has published over 20 fantasy novels, including the recent bestsellers LADY KNIGHT and TRICKSTER'S CHOICE. She lives in Manhattan with her beloved "spousal creature", Tim Liebe (who can be heard on this recording as Yarrun Firetamer) and a variety of cats and birds. A former radio actress, You can visit her on the web at www.tamora- pierce.com
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