Julia Cayden

Improving Your Social and People Skills - The Ultimate Guide on Effective Social Skills for Students, Discover How to Successfully Communicate and Navigate High School Years

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Improving Your Social and People Skills: The Ultimate Guide on Effective Social Skills for Students, Discover How to Successfully Communicate and Navigate High School Years The school is known to be the second home of the students. Inside the school, students will learn various things such as how to be sociable and how to deal with people. It is very imperative for them to develop their social skills. Unfortunately, social expectations and friendships usually trigger stress in teenagers especially for a student who faces social problems. Typical social problems that often take place inside the schools are peer pressure, cliques, and bullying. This audiobook will provide all important topics and ideas that can help the students learn how they can develop their social skills. This audiobook will discuss the following topics: - Common social problems in schools - Discover your talent & build higher self-esteem - Participation in group events for students - Volunteer to be a leader to build leadership skills - Be the man of your word, demonstrate reliability - Continuous improvement on your mistakes - Be friendly and make lots of friends - Take up responsibilities in assignments - Respect other people differences - Show your resourcefulness through sharing knowledge - And many more! If you are struggling with any social problems inside the school, you should not feel that you're the only person who experiences this situation. To learn more on how to improve your social skills, scroll up and click "add to cart" now
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