Robbie Cardell

Art of Living Rich - The Ultimate Guide to Living the Rich Lifestyle

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Art of Living Rich: The Ultimate Guide to Living the Rich Lifestyle, Discover How You Can Join the Ranks of the "New Rich" and Design the Life You've Always Dreamed Of Have you asked yourself recently if you have been living the life you have always wanted and dreamed of? Few people would be able to say yes to this question, Most people just lived their life going through the motions without stopping to think if they're really living their dreams. It's become so bad for some people that they are just eagerly awaiting the day they retire so they can finally escape the monotonous life they're living in. But it doesn't really have to be this way. You can take back control of your life and start living it the way you've always wanted. This audiobook will teach you about a new approach to your personal and professional life that can make you live a happier and richer life. You will learn how to strike a balance between your life and work. You will also learn how to properly design your lifestyle and shift your attitude so you can take back control of your life. You will learn how to take advantage of technology to help you achieve the life you've always wanted. This audiobook will discuss the following topics: What is Lifestyle Design? Digital Nomads Why Energy and Time are More Valuable Than Money and Importance Goal Setting and Time and Energy Management Working Online and Freeing Yourself From the Office Managing Your Work How To Be A Digital Nomad If you're tired of the life you're living now and want to start living the life you've always wanted, scroll up and click "add to cart" now.
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