Glenn Harrold

396Hz Solfeggio Sonic Meditation

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Release deep rooted feelings of guilt, fear, shame and regret. This is one of a series of six meditation recordings by Glenn Harrold and Ali Calderwood, which are based upon the ancient solfeggio musical scale. Each note in this scale has specific healing properties and this recording uses the first note, which resonates to a frequency of 396 Hz. This particular frequency works to release deep rooted feelings of guilt and fear and will also work with other similar emotional patterns such as shame, regret, self-doubt and low self-esteem all of which exist within the same vibrational energy. Glenn Harrold's skilled vocal delivery and guided meditation combined with Ali Calderwood's deep and moving soundscapes tuned to 396 Hz combine to create an amazingly powerful meditation recording that has the potential to clear away blocks on a cellular level. This recording can help you to release hidden layers of guilt, fear, shame and regret that are stored in your cellular memory and energetic fields. This title was created with much care and love and it has the potential to become one of Glenn's most effective recordings from his best-selling hypnosis and meditation series. About the Ancient Solfeggio Scale and Healing Sounds: Modern science is now beginning to recognise what the ancient mystics throughout time have been saying; that everything is in a constant state of vibration, and therefore everything that is vibrating has a sound (even if it's not audible). Everything also has its own optimum rate of vibration, and this is called resonance. When we are in resonance, we are in balance and harmony with creation. Emotions and mental states also have their own optimum resonance and with the recognition that every organ, and every cell, absorbs and emits sound, we can therefore understand how specific sounds and frequencies can be used as powerful healing tools. This is how the ancient Solfeggio frequencies work and is why the Gregorian monks used this specific scale for chanting and healing. These incredible tones each resonate to specific frequency that our original blueprint is composed from. Exposing ourselves to these frequencies helps to bring our bodies, cells and DNA back into balance. Different parts of our bodies and organs all have specific frequencies of optimum resonance (perfect state of health), and therefore listening to these tones allows the body to absorb and remember (know) its original blueprint, moving it back towards its prefect state of alignment and resonance (health). The music with this series of mediations has been specially crafted and precisely tuned to transmit each of the solfeggio frequencies. By combining these sounds with a guided meditation, you also have the potential to release deep-rooted blockages. These compositions also contain an array of sacred instruments and sounds such as crystal bowls and didgeridoo and sacred chants, which work to further enhance the effects of the solfeggio tones. Glenn Harrold and Ali Calderwood acknowledge the pioneering work of Dr. Joseph Puleo and Dr. Leonard Horowitz in decrypting the ancient Solfeggio and advancing Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse and 528Records.
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