<![CDATA[ Lismio Selection ]]> en Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:45:40 +0000 Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:45:40 +0000 Lismio 360 https://brand.lismio.com/logos/lismio_icon_white.jpg <![CDATA[ Lismio Selection ]]> <![CDATA[Thomas Mann - Death in Venice]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80844

In this powerful new audiobook, Thomas Mann's Death in Venice is brought to life by James Warwick, star of the Agatha Christie series Tommy and Tuppence on Masterpiece Theatre. At this later stage in his life, Warwick is perfectly cast and will transport you to the decadent canals of Venice, where the distinguished author Gustav von Aschenback finds himself enthralled by the ethereal beauty of a young boy named Tadzio. Warwick's performance perfectly captures the emotional turmoil of Aschenbach and is followed by an interview in which the actor-director talks with producer Alison Larkin about meeting Dirk Bogarde as a young man, and his experience narrating the great novel. Other audiobooks narrated by James Warwick include his Audiofile Earphones award winning recording of The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, The Mysterious Affair at Styles and Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie and the delightful, hilarious award-winning two actor recording of The Importance of Being Earnest which he performs with Alison Larkin

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80844 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Della Galton - New Arrival at Duck Pond Cottage - The start of BRAND NEW uplifting, heartwarming series from Della Galton for 2024]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80551

A story of love, second chances and the wonderful start of a BRAND NEW series from Della Galton featuring Duck Pond Lane Animal Rescue.It's not just animals who need to be rescued...Following the unexpected death of her mother, and the breakdown of her relationship, animal loving idealist Jade Foster, uses her inheritance to buy a smallholding in the beautiful Wiltshire countryside hoping to realise her dream of providing a sanctuary for unloved animals in need of a new home.Jade employs the enigmatic Finn McTaggart to help out at Duck Pond Lane Rescue and forms a friendship with both Finn and her local Vet, Aiden Southerland. But Finn is running from his own demons and Aiden longs for a more romantic relationship with broken-hearted Jade.Romance is not on the cards for Jade, but as both men fall for her natural beauty, the rivalry between them hots up. But can any of them heal enough to find lasting love?What none of them realise is that a devastating secret from the past has the power to destroy the present and that love, however wonderful, isn't always enough.Perfect for romantics and animals lovers alike - If you love Jessica Redland, Alison Sherlock and Sarah Hope you'll adore Della...Previously published as Passing Shadows by Della GaltonPraise for Della Galton:'A delightful story, in what promises to be a wonderful new series, full of fun and animal drama!' - Jo Bartlett'A beautifully written, gentle story about self-acceptance, family and friendship.' - Sarah Bennett'A wonderfully cosy read!' - Fay Keenan'A warm, delightful read full of friendship and family with a touch of love on the horizon ...' - Helen Rolfe'A gorgeous start to a heart-warming new series, filled with engaging characters and a delightful cast of animals' - Jill Steeples

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80551 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Dans le bois de Coin Joli - La fête foraine]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/65330

La fête foraine s'est installée dans le bois de Coin joli ! Youpiiii ! Nono et ses amis se rendent à la mare aux nénuphars pour profiter de cette foire de folie : grande roue, lancer d'anneaux, pêche aux canards et... train fantôme ! Nono est gêné d'avoir peur, mais comme toujours, le bon sens de Bibou le hibou le rassurera et fera comprendre aux amis qu'il ne faut pas se moquer car il n'y a pas de honte à avoir peur, c'est une émotion naturelle que tout le monde éprouve.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/65330 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Dans le bois de Coin Joli - La petite frayeur]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/65329

Dans le bois de Coin joli, Nono s'est perdu... Au secours les amis ! Nono l'ourson veut rejoindre seul ses parents dans la forêt... Mais la nuit tombe déjà et il ne retrouve pas son chemin. Tout le monde s'inquiète dans le bois de Coin joli et part à sa recherche. La prochaine fois, Nono sera plus prudent, c'est promis !

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/65329 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Dans le bois de Coin Joli - Le bel amoureux]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/65328

Dès que Nono voit Paï-Paï la gerboise, il a l'impression d'avoir des papillons dans l'estomac. Quelle étrange émotion ! Cela fait battre son petit coeur d'ourson... Et celui de tous les amis du bois ! Nono et ses amis tombent tous amoureux de la jolie gerboise. Ils font les malins pour se faire remarquer, ils se vantent et se chamaillent... Alors que pour se faire aimer, ils apprendront qu'il suffit de rester soi-même... L'amour, l'humilité et l'amitié sont au centre de cette nouvelle intrigue dans le bois de Coin joli...

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/65328 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Dans le bois de Coin Joli - Panique au pique-nique!]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/65327

Dans le bois de Coin joli, Pedro le blaireau a une idée de génie : "Si on faisait un pique-nique ?" Youpi ! Quelle idée magnifique ! La petite troupe des amis marche gaiement dans le bois de Coin joli... Mais dans la clairière de la licorne, c'est la déconfiture ! Des déchets jonchent le sol et obstruent l'entrée d'un terrier... Vite sauvons le bois et ses habitants de toute cette pollution ! L'entraide, la préservation de la nature et l'amitié sont au centre de cette nouvelle intrigue dans le bois de Coin joli...

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/65327 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Dans le bois de Coin Joli - Super Nono]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/65326

Dans le bois de Coin joli, Nono l'ourson dort dans son lit. Son rêve l'emmène cette nuit dans une aventure de folie... Vive Super Nono, le sauveur de la planète Coin joli ! Parce que la gentillesse restera toujours le plus beau des pouvoirs magiques. C'est une aventure fantastique que vont vivre nos super-héros dans le bois de Coin joli. Grâce à leurs pouvoirs, leur courage et leur gentillesse légendaires, Nono et ses amis vont aider des visiteurs inattendus à guérir d'un mal mystérieux.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/65326 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Dans le bois de Coin Joli - Les petits bobos]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/65325

Jules le lapin s'est blessé... Tous les amis du bois de Coin joli viennent à sa rescousse. Une visite à l'hopital, c'est d'abord angoissant, puis finalement, ça fait naître des vocations : " moi, quand je serai grande, je serai docteur ! clame la petite Suzon. Je guérirai les enfants qui ont la vermicelle et les lapins blancs qui tombent des châtaigniers ! " Les accidents, la solidarité, le réconfort et l'amitié sont au centre de cette nouvelle intrigue dans le bois de Coin joli.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/65325 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Dans le bois de Coin Joli - La super excursion]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/65324

Une nouvelle aventure de Nono et ses amis en dehors du bois de Coin joli... De jolies découvertes en perspective ! Dans le bois de Coin joli, c'est l'effervescence : Youpi ! On part en excursion. Allez hop, tout le monde dans l'autocar et en avant pour Haute Forêt. Nono et ses amis découvrent les animaux de la montagne et parviendront même à sauver une petite marmotte. Découvre vite cette belle aventure et les nouveaux copains de Nono ! La découverte des animaux de la montagne, la bienveillance, le courage et la collaboration sont au centre de cette nouvelle intrigue dans le bois de Coin joli.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/65324 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Dans le bois de Coin Joli - La maison hantée]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/65323

Une nouvelle aventure de Nono et ses amis dans un endroit effrayant du bois de Coin joli... Des découvertes glaçantes en perspective... ou pas ! Dans le bois de Coin joli, les amis partent à la découverte d'une clairière effrayante où une cabane en ruine semble hantée... Mais ce sont des habitants très gentils qui ont dû fuir leur contrée qu'ils vont finalement rencontrer. Une approche de la thématique des réfugiés, la bienveillance, le courage et la collaboration sont au centre de cette nouvelle intrigue dans le bois de Coin joli.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/65323 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Dans le bois de Coin Joli - La grosse colère]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/65322

Quelle joie de retrouver le sympathique Nono l'ourson et tous ses amis pour une grosse colère ! Dans le bois de Coin joli, rien ne va plus aujourd'hui. Nono est très, TRÈS en colère contre sa petite soeur Suzon... Tellement en colère qu'il décide de cacher le doudou préféré de la petite dans un endroit secret. Émus par les pleurs de Suzon, tous les amis de Nono partent à la recherche du disparu... À l'âge où l'enfant se socialise, il est confronté à des sujets parfois difficiles. En partageant ces petites histoires, l'enfant et l'adulte pourront rire ensemble et entretenir cette fabuleuse intelligence qu'est l'humour. L'humour permet de dédramatiser et relativiser les problèmes.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/65322 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Dans le bois de Coin Joli - Les grandes vacances]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/65321

Quelle joie de retrouver le sympathique Nono l'ourson et tous ses amis pour des grandes vacances exceptionnelles ! Dans le bois de Coin joli, les vacances sont enfin arrivées et chacun se réjouit de partir en voyage. Nono est le seul à afficher une mine tristounette : il ne partira pas en vacances cette année. Que va-t-il faire si tous ses amis sont loin de lui ? À l'âge où l'enfant se socialise, il est confronté à des sujets parfois difficiles. En partageant ces petites histoires, l'enfant et l'adulte pourront rire ensemble et entretenir cette fabuleuse intelligence qu'est l'humour. L'humour permet de dédramatiser et relativiser les problèmes.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/65321 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Dans le bois de Coin Joli - Le presque Noël]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/65320

Dans le bois de Coin joli, chacun parle gaiement de sa lettre au Père Noël. Tous se réjouissent de la douce nuit qui aura lieu dans moins d'un mois... Tous sauf un ! Nono l'ourson, la mine triste soupire car il va bientôt s'endormir pour son long sommeil d'hiver. Pas de belle fête pour lui ni de cadeaux ! Pauvre ! Pauvre Nono ! Que faire pour que lui aussi puisse vivre Noël et sa magie ? A l'âge où l'enfant se socialise, il est confronté à des sujets parfois difficiles. En partageant ces petites histoires, l'enfant et l'adulte pourront rire ensemble et entretenir cette fabuleuse intelligence qu'est l'humour. L'humour permet de dédramatiser et relativiser les problèmes.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/65320 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Dans le bois de Coin Joli - Le nouvel élève]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/65319

C'est la rentrée des classes à l'école du bois de Coin joli... Et cette année, il y a un nouvel élève. Nono se réjouit de se faire un nouveau copain... ou pas ! Dans le bois de Coin joli, les vacances sont terminées et les enfants sont tout excités de reprendre le chemin de l'école, d'autant plus qu'il y a un nouvel élève ! Mais qu'est-ce qui lui prend à celui-là, il est vilain, il fait des grimaces, il harcèle les plus petits.... Nono et ses amis sont bien décidés à ne pas se laisser faire et lui apprendre les bonnes manières, car dans le bois de Coin joli, on est tous amis !

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/65319 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Dans le bois de Coin joli - L'extraordinaire anniversaire]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/65318

Dans le bois de Coin joli, chacun a une super idée pour préparer un joli cadeau pour la fête d'anniversaire de Nono... Tous sauf le timide campagnol, pauvre petit Erol. Erol n'a pas d'argent, il n'a pas des doigts de fée pour bricoler ou dessiner, il se sent minable et tout petit, si minuscule qu'il est persuadé que personne ne remarquera son absence à la fête de Nono. Sur les conseils de Bibou le hibou, il trouvera pourtant une super idée et le courage de se rendre à la fête... Une jolie morale qui nous rappelle que les plus beaux cadeaux viennent du coeur !

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/65318 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Dans le bois de Coin Joli - Le petit frère]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/65317

Un petit frère va arriver dans la famille de Nono. Suzon, sa petite soeur, est angoissée à l'annonce de cette nouvelle... La petite oursonne craint que sa maman n'ait plus le temps de s'occuper de son grand frère Nono et elle. Elle a peur que son papa ne lui lise plus son histoire du soir. Et certainement Nono préférera-t-il un frère pour jouer... Mais tous vont rassurer les aînés : le coeur des parents grandit quand la famille s'agrandit. La bienveillance, le réconfort, l'amour parental, la famille et l'amitié sont au centre de cette nouvelle intrigue dans le bois de Coin joli.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/65317 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Liz et Grimm - tome 1 - Le petit chaperon bleu]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/56527

Demain, Liz a prévu de bien s'amuser : Inès, sa meilleure amie, l'a invitée chez elle pour jouer sur son ordinateur. Pourtant, la maman d'Inès avait été bien claire : pas de jeux sur Internet sans surveillance ! Grimm, contrarié par ce projet, n'a pas dit son dernier mot : l'histoire de la petite Adèle Chaperon va lui permettre de mettre Liz en garde... Clin d'oeil à la célèbre histoire du Petit Chaperon rouge, rapportée par Charles Perrault et par les frères Grimm, cet épisode sensibilisera parents et enfants à une utilisation prudente d'Internet et des réseaux sociaux. Destinée aux enfants à partir de 7 ans, Liz et Grimm les embarque dans le monde revisité des contes de fées, pour les aider à surmonter leurs grandes peurs et leurs petits tracas. Drôle, tendre et enlevée, la série permet également aux parents d'aborder de manière plus ludique, avec leurs enfants, certaines questions essentielles (qu'est-ce que l'amour ? qu'est-ce que l'amitié ? qu'est-ce que la patience ?...) et des problématiques-clés de notre époque.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/56527 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Liz et Grimm - tome 7 - Le Mystère Boucle d'or]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/56526

En se rendant chez son amie Inès, Liz lui a emprunté sa brosse à dents électrique... et l'a gardée. En quoi Inès pourrait-elle le lui reprocher ? Après tout, ce n'est pas un trésor ! En lui racontant les mésaventures de Chloé, la petite chapardeuse aux boucles d'or, Grimm va lui apprendre qu'on encourt parfois bien des dangers en mettant son nez dans les affaires des autres... Inspiré du conte des frères Grimm Boucle d'or et les trois ours, cet épisode invite les plus petits à comprendre l'importance du respect de l'intimité des autres. Destinée aux enfants à partir de 7 ans, Liz et Grimm les embarque dans le monde revisité des contes de fées, pour les aider à surmonter leurs grandes peurs et leurs petits tracas. Drôle, tendre et enlevée, la série permet également aux parents d'aborder de manière plus ludique, avec leurs enfants, certaines questions essentielles (qu'est-ce que l'amour ? qu'est-ce que l'amitié ? qu'est-ce que la patience ?...) et des problématiques-clés de notre époque.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/56526 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Liz et Grimm - tome 8 - Ricky]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/56525

En faisant ses devoirs de maths, Liz découvre une lettre d'amour cachée dans son cahier. Pas de chance : Paul, son amoureux transi, a les oreilles décollées ! Comment Liz pourrait-elle tomber amoureuse de ce garçon qui, selon elle, " ressemble à un éléphant " ? En lui racontant l'histoire d'amour d'Emma, la petite fille modèle, et de Ricky, le rocker turbulent, Grimm compte bien lui prouver qu'on gagne beaucoup à voir les autres avec son coeur... Inspiré du conte de Charles Perrault Riquet à la houppe, cet épisode nous rappelle la nécessité d'aller au-delà des apparences, auxquelles l'amour véritable ne saurait se fier. Destinée aux enfants à partir de 7 ans, Liz et Grimm les embarque dans le monde revisité des contes de fées, pour les aider à surmonter leurs grandes peurs et leurs petits tracas. Drôle, tendre et enlevée, la série permet également aux parents d'aborder de manière plus ludique, avec leurs enfants, certaines questions essentielles (qu'est-ce que l'amour ? qu'est-ce que l'amitié ? qu'est-ce que la patience ?...) et des problématiques-clés de notre époque.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/56525 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Liz et Grimm - tome 6 - La Pomme d'amour de Blanche Flocon]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/56524

Cette année, pour Noël, Liz ne fera pas de cadeau à sa meilleure amie. Et pour cause : une camarade de classe lui a rapporté qu'Inès la trouvait bête ! Que penser, se dit Grimm, de cette nouvelle copine qui sème la zizanie ? En lui racontant l'histoire de la petite Blanche Flocon, il compte bien montrer à Liz qu'il n'est pas toujours facile de voir qui sont ses vrais amis... Inspiré du conte des frères Grimm Blanche-Neige, cet épisode rappelle les vertus du groupe et l'importance de l'amitié durable. Destinée aux enfants à partir de 7 ans, Liz et Grimm les embarque dans le monde revisité des contes de fées, pour les aider à surmonter leurs grandes peurs et leurs petits tracas. Drôle, tendre et enlevée, la série permet également aux parents d'aborder de manière plus ludique, avec leurs enfants, certaines questions essentielles (qu'est-ce que l'amour ? qu'est-ce que l'amitié ? qu'est-ce que la patience ?...) et des problématiques-clés de notre époque.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/56524 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Liz et Grimm - tome 5 - Les Aventures de Charlotte Petitpouce]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/56523

Désormais, Liz est assez grande pour aller à la gym toute seule : c'est sa maman qui l'a dit ! Mais comment faire pour ne pas se tromper de bus et rentrer à bon port ? Pour Liz, c'est mission impossible. Heureusement, Grimm est prêt à lui donner un petit coup de patte, en lui racontant l'histoire de l'astucieuse et vaillante Charlotte Petitpouce... Inspiré du Petit Poucet de Charles Perrault, cet épisode invite les enfants à dépasser leurs peurs ! Destinée aux enfants à partir de 7 ans, Liz et Grimm les embarque dans le monde revisité des contes de fées, pour les aider à surmonter leurs grandes peurs et leurs petits tracas. Drôle, tendre et enlevée, la série permet également aux parents d'aborder de manière plus ludique, avec leurs enfants, certaines questions essentielles (qu'est-ce que l'amour ? qu'est-ce que l'amitié ? qu'est-ce que la patience ?...) et des problématiques-clés de notre époque.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/56523 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Liz et Grimm - tome 9 - Le Chat Bottine]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/56522

Liz n'a jamais été aussi heureuse : elle vient d'apprendre que Josie, sa chanteuse préférée, avait fréquenté la même école qu'elle ! Son copain Kévin lui a même proposé d'échanger sa place avec lui pour qu'elle puisse s'asseoir à la table que Josie occupait à l'époque. Mais Liz ne serait-elle pas en train de croire un peu trop facilement à cette rumeur ? En lui racontant sa propre rencontre malheureuse avec le chat Bottine, Grimm va lui apprendre à se méfier des beaux parleurs. Inspiré du fameux conte du Chat Botté, cet épisode invite à se prémunir contre le mensonge et l'injustice. Destinée aux enfants à partir de 7 ans, Liz et Grimm les embarque dans le monde revisité des contes de fées, pour les aider à surmonter leurs grandes peurs et leurs petits tracas. Drôle, tendre et enlevée, la série permet également aux parents d'aborder de manière plus ludique, avec leurs enfants, certaines questions essentielles (qu'est-ce que l'amour ? qu'est-ce que l'amitié ? qu'est-ce que la patience ?...) et des problématiques-clés de notre époque.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/56522 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Liz et Grimm - tome 10 - La Belle du bois d'Awa]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/56521

Aujourd'hui, Liz a décidé de bouder : ses parents ont décrété qu'elle était trop petite pour devenir vétérinaire et soigner tous les animaux du monde. Mais quand est-ce qu'on devient grand ? demande-t-elle à Grimm. La réponse se cache peut-être dans l'histoire de Marisa, la belle endormie du bois d'Awa, en plein coeur du Brésil... Inspiré de La Belle au bois dormant de Charles Perrault, cet épisode apprend aux plus petits les vertus de la patience. Destinée aux enfants à partir de 7 ans, Liz et Grimm les embarque dans le monde revisité des contes de fées, pour les aider à surmonter leurs grandes peurs et leurs petits tracas. Drôle, tendre et enlevée, la série permet également aux parents d'aborder de manière plus ludique, avec leurs enfants, certaines questions essentielles (qu'est-ce que l'amour ? qu'est-ce que l'amitié ? qu'est-ce que la patience ?...) et des problématiques-clés de notre époque.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/56521 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Liz et Grimm - tome 2 - Stridouille, le super le vilain petit canard]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/56520

C'est décidé : Liz n'ira plus au foot ! Les filles du club n'arrêtent pas de se moquer d'elle, l'empêchent de participer aux matchs, et l'appellent même " Pieds Carrés ". Mais Grimm est bien décidé à lui remonter le moral en lui racontant la belle histoire de Stridouille, petit canard à la voix de crécelle, devenu chanteur. Inspiré du Vilain petit canard d'Andersen, cet épisode rappelle aux plus petits l'importance de s'accepter tel qu'on est, et de respecter la différence des autres. Destinée aux enfants à partir de 7 ans, Liz et Grimm les embarque dans le monde revisité des contes de fées, pour les aider à surmonter leurs grandes peurs et leurs petits tracas. Drôle, tendre et enlevée, la série permet également aux parents d'aborder de manière plus ludique, avec leurs enfants, certaines questions essentielles (qu'est-ce que l'amour ? qu'est-ce que l'amitié ? qu'est-ce que la patience ?...) et des problématiques-clés de notre époque.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/56520 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Liz et Grimm - tome 3 - Les Trois Soeurs Cochon]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/56519

Alors qu'elle organise une fête avec ses amies Inès et Malika, Liz a oublié de préciser l'adresse de l'événement sur les cartons d'invitation. Quelle flemme, de devoir toutes les corriger alors qu'elle a prévu d'aller manger une glace ! En lui racontant l'histoire des trois soeurs Cochon, Grimm va lui montrer qu'un petit effort a parfois du bon... Inspiré des Trois Petits Cochons de l'anglais James Halliwell, cet épisode rappelle aux plus petits l' importance du courage et les vertus du travail bien fait. Destinée aux enfants à partir de 7 ans, Liz et Grimm les embarque dans le monde revisité des contes de fées, pour les aider à surmonter leurs grandes peurs et leurs petits tracas. Drôle, tendre et enlevée, la série permet également aux parents d'aborder de manière plus ludique, avec leurs enfants, certaines questions essentielles (qu'est-ce que l'amour ? qu'est-ce que l'amitié ? qu'est-ce que la patience ?...) et des problématiques-clés de notre époque.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/56519 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Liz et Grimm - tome 4 - La Petite Danseuse de la rue Cendrillon]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/56518

Ce week-end, Liz part en classe verte ! Son ami Kofi, lui, risque de ne pas être du voyage : ses grandes soeurs, envieuses, lui ont volé son sac de couchage. Mais comment lui venir en aide ? En lui racontant l'aventure fabuleuse de Joy, la petite danseuse de la rue Cendrillon, Grimm va lui prouver que même les histoires les plus tristes peuvent avoir une fin heureuse... Clin d'oeil au fameux conte Cendrillon, qui inspira notamment Charles Perrault et les frères Grimm, cet épisode nous apprend que nous pouvons, nous aussi, jouer le rôle de la bonne fée au quotidien et accomplir des miracles dans la vie des autres. Destinée aux enfants à partir de 7 ans, Liz et Grimm les embarque dans le monde revisité des contes de fées, pour les aider à surmonter leurs grandes peurs et leurs petits tracas. Drôle, tendre et enlevée, la série permet également aux parents d'aborder de manière plus ludique, avec leurs enfants, certaines questions essentielles (qu'est-ce que l'amour ? qu'est-ce que l'amitié ? qu'est-ce que la patience ?...) et des problématiques-clés de notre époque.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/56518 Sun, 15 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Kelly Oliver - Poison in Piccadilly - A BRAND NEW instalment in Kelly Oliver's brilliantly funny historical cozy mystery series for 2024]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80549

Preorder the BRAND NEW instalment in Kelly Oliver's page-turning cosy mystery seriesLondon 1918: Is Fiona Figg ready to exchange her sleuthing cap for a bridal veil?Fiona is set to tie the knot with her dashing captain, Archie Somersby. But, while Fiona is busy planning her happily ever after, side-kick Kitty Lane and a group of judo-chopping suffragettes are kicking up trouble at the Piccadilly Jujitsu Club.When Kitty is found unconscious in the locker room during a high-stakes competition, Fiona must forsake her bouquets and bridal gown to investigate. Her sleuthing leads to a posh lady's luncheon where a mysterious death crashes Fiona's wedding plans.To make matters worse, the arch-nemesis of all things matrimonial Fredrick Fredricks is up to his old tricks, attempting to put the brakes on Fiona's journey down the aisle. Will he succeed in tripping up Fiona's wedding vows? Or will she finally say "I don't" to the charming devil?With humour as sharp as a judo chop and suspense as tight as a wedding corset, Poison in Piccadilly invites you to matrimonial mayhem that will have you saying "I do" to laughter and "forever more" to page-turning suspense.Readers are LOVING Kelly Oliver's fun-filled historical mysteries:'A fast and fun-filled mystery that checks every box. If you're new to the series, it stands on its own as an action-packed novel that's leavened with the dry wit of its indomitable heroine. A 2024 must-read.' Lori Robbins'A fun, mix of whodunnit and thriller!' T. A. Williams'Fast-paced, tongue-in-cheek spy romp. Enjoy the ride!' Frances Evesham'Absolutely adoring this series set in the 1920's, the author really did her research! "Downtown Abbey meets Agatha Christie" and it's absolutely amazing!'-Goodreads review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'A fun book. Fiona is a delight. Kitty is a minx.'-Goodreads review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'Fun romp of a read. Relaxing and intriguing. The characters are interesting and unique. Quirky story! Loved it! Worth every minute.'-Goodreads review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'What a dizzying romp this fun tale is!'-Goodreads review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'Superbly written. Kelly has an easy going writing style that is easy to get used to and easy to get along with. In fact reading this book felt more like a chat between friends rather than reading a book.'-Goodreads review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'The book has such a clever characters and the interwoven mysteries in the plot are certain to hook the readers. So many unexpected events happens and some characters takes an unexpected turn. Filled with twists and turns, adventure, historical mystery and a hint of romance.'-Goodreads review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'Everything you could want in a great cozy mystery.'-Goodreads review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'I really enjoyed this historical mystery! A mystery that grew more complex, suspense that grew more intense, and some great humor thrown in - what's not to love?'-Goodreads review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'Simply delightful. Fiona Figg - with her tools, wigs, and disguises - is a sleuth you can't help but root for.' S.K. Golden'This historical mystery delivers twists and turns. I can't wait for the next one!' Muddy Rose Reviews'I love Fiona Figg!' Margaret Mizushima'A perfect blend of wit, fun, and intrigue.' Debra GoldsteinA fun diversion with an entertaining female lead. Kirkus Reviews'Fans of Susan Elia MacNeal will gobble up this series! Highly recommend.' L.A. Chandlar

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80549 Sat, 14 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Bibi and Tina - Riding Forbidden]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80601

Count Falko is visited by Prince von Zoffenberg, an important client of his. Bibi and Tina accidently frighten him twice with their rambunctious riding. This prompts Count Falko to complain to Mrs. Martin, who forbids the girls from riding. But then the Prince unexpectedly needs Bibi and Tina's help - which means they've got to ride!

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80601 Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Bibi and Tina - Riding Forbidden]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80327

Count Falko is visited by Prince von Zoffenberg, an important client of his. Bibi and Tina accidently frighten him twice with their rambunctious riding. This prompts Count Falko to complain to Mrs. Martin, who forbids the girls from riding. But then the Prince unexpectedly needs Bibi and Tina's help - which means they've got to ride!

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80327 Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Louise Guy - Mother's Betrayal - Discover Louise Guy's brilliant, emotional book club pick for 2024]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80552

Preorder the emotional, gripping book club pick from BESTSELLER Louise GuyOne woman. Two worlds on the verge of colliding.When Julia Hudson is involved in a near-fatal accident, the lives of her children - nurse Flo and her twin sister, high-flying lawyer Ari - are sent into freefall.As they sit vigil by their mother's bedside, the sisters discover that Julia, who has always preached unwavering principles and integrity, has been keeping a terrible secret. A secret that shatters everything they've ever believed about their family.But the twins have each other... or do they? Because Julia is not the only one keeping secrets...With Julia in a coma and unable to answer their questions, her journals might provide the answers they seek. But Julia's journals reveal yet another dark secret. One that will make the sisters question every part of the life they've lived.If you can't trust your mother, who can you trust? And - with their mother's life in the balance - can the sisters find a way to forgive her, before it's too late? A totally gripping, devastating emotional page turner that readers of Jodi Picoult, Jojo Moyes and Kate Hewitt will love.Readers love Louise Guy:'WOW, WOW and WOW, this book is awesome what a fabulous story, truly do not miss this book. It had me turning the pages, so many thoughts going through my mind.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'OMG! I'm still flabbergasted at how brilliant this book is... Cleverly and masterfully written... Left me in awe... Another WOW read from the domestic drama goddess who has fast become one of my favourite writers.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'I inhaled it. It's intense, captivating, fascinating, emotional and dynamic... completely hooking from the very first page.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Wow, what a page turner... I swear that Louise's books get more intriguing with each new release - such a brilliant storyteller!!' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'OMG, this book was riveting. Best I've read in a long time. Had my heart in my throat but just couldn't stop turning the pages.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Riveting... I could hardly put the book down. I just had to know how it would end.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Just wonderful... An incredibly tense and suspenseful novel that is wonderfully realistic and moving... The characters are very real as are the situations... I was still reading at 5am unable to sleep until I knew what was happening. Louise writes with passion and empathy and incredible understanding... Just brilliant.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'What an absolute ripper of a book!!... I literally read this book in two sittings and I cannot speak highly enough of the writing and the plot, it ticked all my boxes.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'This book was incredible! I couldn't put it down once I picked it up... So heartfelt...The struggles both women went through and to find the friendship they did, it was emotional but heart-warming... A MUST READ!' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'I couldn't put it down - the very definition of a page turner.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80552 Thu, 12 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Laurie Friedman - Spots and Stripes and the Very Merry Christmas]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80418

It's Christmas! Ms. Green, Spots, and Stripes are at home opening presents. But when Spots and Stripes both give Ms. Green the same gift, they think Christmas is ruined. Will this dog and cat duo find a way to have a very merry holiday together?

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80418 Thu, 12 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Fiona Gibson - 'Tis the Damn Season - The BRAND NEW brilliantly funny festive book club pick from NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER Fiona Gibson for Christmas 2024]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80555

PRE-ORDER the BRAND-NEW, brilliantly funny novel from #1 bestselling author Fiona Gibson, perfect for fans of Sophie Kinsella and Jill Mansell.This year, their families can deck the bloody halls themselves...Old friends Shelley, Lena and Pearl have reached their limit with the festive preparation that has always fallen to them, and five days before Christmas, they've booked a mini break... without their families. Up until Christmas Eve, they'll be sipping prosecco in the Highlands while their kids wrap bacon around 100 chipolatas and their partners brave the supermarkets.It's exactly what they need... until they're snowed in. Facing the prospect of Christmas 500 miles from home, each woman is forced to confront her real reasons for needing to escape: the fiance with the obnoxious family; the son's new girlfriend who is taking over their home; the family who take their mother for granted all year round...Will the friends make it home before Christmas day? And if they do, can they really go back to their old lives?So forget Elf on the Shelf and get ready for Mums on the Run in the hilarious and heartwarming new novel from Fiona Gibson.Praise for Fiona Gibson:'I absolutely love Fiona Gibson's funny, emotional, relatable writing.' - JENNY COLGAN'Hilarious, sparky and joyful, relatable and brilliant! Highly recommended, whatever the time of year.' - JUDY LEIGH'Snowy, sparkly and satisfying. Highly recommended.' - MADDIE PLEASE'Fun, festive and full of good cheer, Tis the damn season! should be on the top of your Christmas reading wish list.' - SARAH BENNETT'This book isn't just for Christmas... it's the perfect escapist novel for any time of the year!' - KATE GALLEY'A festive, funny and heartfelt story of friendship and finding your way. I loved it.' - FREYA KENNEDY'Warm, witty and wonderfully relatable. Perfect escapism for women struggling to juggle everything, especially at Christmas!' - KATHLEEN WHYMAN'I absolutely loved this book and devoured it in less than a day. It was fun, relatable and an easy read. This was one of my favourite books by Fiona Gibson!' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'Marvellous at any time of the year! You're never disappointed with a Fiona Gibson novel and this one is no exception. Simple storylines, lovely ending, characters you can relate to and root for, what's not to love?' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'I adored this book! I love Fiona's books anyway and definitely have more on my wishlist! This is the perfect festive read. Wouldn't we all like to escape sometimes from the festive build up?' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'This book is honestly very funny... I am probably going to reread this story again in the next couple of days, I liked it that much.' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'I love a good Fiona Gibson book, and this is a very good one!' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'I honestly couldn't put this book down! Read in 1 day as I was just captured by the characters who are so true to life. This book has me laughing out loud and also in tears!' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'I was cracking up laughing through the entire book and devoured it in one sitting!' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'A terrifically entertaining, cheery romance, with an endearing heroine' SUNDAY MIRROR'Warm, funny and poignant' DAILY MAIL'Warm, witty and fun' MY WEEKLY'The voice of modern women' MARIE CLAIRE'More than funny, it's true' ELLE'Warm, funny and endearing' BEST

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80555 Wed, 11 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Anita Davison - Miss Merrill and Aunt Violet Mysteries - The BRAND NEW festive instalment in Anita Davison's page-turning historical cozy mystery series for Christmas 2024 - Book 3 - Murder at Mid ...]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80547

Pre-order the BRAND NEW instalment in Anita Davison's gripping cozy mystery series!Escaping the city doesn't mean escaping the criminals...1916, Midwinter Manor: Desperate for a Christmas weekend break from war-torn London, Hannah Merrill and her Aunt Violet take Bartleby the cat and themselves off to visit Hannah's sister, in her beautiful country estate, deep in the English countryside.The huge house is full of relatives, friends and merrymakers, and everyone's excited to have a Christmas to remember.But then, when a fellow-guest's body is found in the library - apparently bludgeoned to death - and a precious ruby is stolen from another guest, it appears that it's going to be memorable for all the wrong reasons.With the house snowed in, and the rural police force completely incapable of finding a single credible suspect, Hannah and Aunt Violet realise that once again it's going to be down to them to get to the bottom of it.Because whoever's behind the crimes must be at Midwinter Manor... And if they're not found, who knows what their next 'gift' will be?A totally unforgettable Golden Age, country house, cozy crime novel, perfect for fans of Helena Dixon, Verity Bright, and Agatha Christie.Readers love the Miss Merrill and Aunt Violet series:'I couldn't put this book down, I just wanted to keep reading. The story kept me guessing all the time and the ending was unexpected. Can't wait for the next book.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐'A fabulous historical novel that entertained me from the start... Reminiscent of Miss Jane Marple... I loved the inclusion of Bartleby, the bookshop cat who was very much a character in his own right.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Wonderful!! I had high hopes for this novel and it did not disappoint. Once I began I could hardly put it down. I am excited to read Ms. Davison's next installment.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'What a fabulous setting for a murder... If I could have read it in one sitting, I would have done. A brilliant plot with some clever twists! I think I've found a new favourite series. I can't wait for the next instalment. Highly recommended!' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'I loved this delightful new cozy mystery featuring a young society girl and her suffragette aunt... 5 stars. I look forward to more in this series.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'I loved this book. Hannah and Aunt Violet are wonderful characters and I liked them from the start. The surrounding characters are well imagined. The setting is interesting. I enjoyed the references to literature and the way books were a part of the story line... Very entertaining and I highly recommend it.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Fascinating characters, scandals, espionage and murder... Kept me turning the pages wanting to know what would happen to Hannah and her delightful feline companion.' Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80547 Tue, 10 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Amanda Brittany - Now You Are Mine]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80438

A remote lakeside house. Six strangers with something to hide.Who's out for revenge? Who will survive?When Polly signs up to an art retreat in the Lake District, it's an escape from the stress of recent months, when a stalker preyed on her and her friend.It's also an opportunity to find out more about her family history: Polly believes her biological mother once lived here, at Lakeside House.But things quickly turn sinister. The previous owners supposedly took their own lives here, years before - and the glamorous new owners are now receiving disturbing threats. Someone is sabotaging Polly's artwork. The five other guests on the retreat all seem to be hiding something.Then one of them goes missing.Is someone trying to scare Polly? Do the creepy goings-on have anything to do with the family she never knew? Or has the stalker followed her to Lakeside House, and is now hiding in plain sight? Now You Are Mine is a pulse-pounding dark psychological thriller. If you like Lucy Foley or C.L. Taylor, you'll love Amanda BrittanyPraise for Amanda Brittany:'Amanda Brittany is one of the best psychological thriller writers currently around. This was a fantastic read and I highly recommend.' Keri Beevis'Eerie and dramatic, it's a carefully crafted mystery...' Woman's Weekly'One of my favourite books of this year so far!' 5 stars, NetGalley reviewer'A fabulous whodunnit which is fast paced, with a surprising twist at the end... I thoroughly recommend this book. I found it hard to put down.' 5 stars, NetGalley reviewer

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80438 Mon, 09 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Donovan Cook - Valhalla's Fury - A BRAND NEW Dark Ages historical adventure story from Donovan Cook for 2024]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80550

Preorder the BRAND NEW instalment in Donovan Cook's thrilling Dark Ages adventure series.Abandoned by his people and destined for Valhalla, do not stand in the way of his fury.Ribe is lost, its hall burnt, and Charles is still missing. Sven must once more sail into dangerous waters to rescue his grandson.King Louis of East Francia, the man who took Sven's son from him almost twenty years ago, has Charles captive and uses him to force Sven to do his bidding and create chaos raiding his brothers Kingdom of West Frankia.The long awaited meeting of Charles and his mother, Abbess Hildegard, is not what Charles dreamed it would be and soon it becomes clear that Charles is in even more danger. Torn between the heathen gods and his Christian god, Charles must decide where his future lies.Sven must fight if he wants to see Charles again and keep the Cross of Charlemagne out of the hands of the Frankish kings. The only thing that Sven knows is that to save Charles, innocent people must die.A thrilling conclusion to Donovan Cook's action-packed historical adventure series - perfect for the fans of Bernard Cornwell and Matthew Harffy.Praise for The Charlemagne's Cross Series'Donovan Cook has quickly turned into a storyteller worthy of the greatest Viking Skalds! The Charlemagne series is a joy of superb character development, secrecy and deception, and of course thrilling Viking battles. Highly recommended for any fan of the shield wall.' - Peter Gibbons'Donovan Cook's Charlemagne's Cross series has everything I look for in a tale of the Dark Ages. Adventure and gritty action set against the backdrop of clashing religions and the collision of kingdoms. Great stuff!' - Matthew Harffy'A fabulous Norse tale of family secrets, betrayal and conflict right up until the very last page - I loved it!'- MJ Porter'An action-packed scintillating thriller. Pacy, raw, violent fayre, with a cast of characters you'll swiftly loathe or admire - you'll think you're in the shield wall' - Ross Greenwood'This is just a fantastic read by any standard. From beginning to end This book had me hooked' - Reader Review'It is very enjoyable and recommended to those readers who enjoy reading about Viking times.' - Reader Review'Riveting read. From beginning to finish a great read, packed with action - a good plot with sun plots and plenty. Lots to get your teeth into' - Reader Review

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80550 Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Patricia McBride - Christmas Wishes for the Bletchley Park Girls - Lily Baker Series, Book 6]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80553

A festive instalment in Patricia McBride's acclaimed Lily Baker series - guaranteed to make you smile!Will this finally be a Christmas to celebrate?For the courageous Bletchley Park girls, the fourth Christmas of the war is approaching fast. It should be a happy time, yet life throws them challenges they could never have imagined.Lily's heart is torn in two when her boyfriend, Grant, is badly injured in an air raid. As he spirals into despair, she must find a way to give him hope again.Bronwyn has a new romance on the horizon. But will the widower's young daughter accept her, or will she jeopardise Bronwyn's hopes for love?Peggy is terrified her secret will be disclosed when she has to look after her sister's daughter. Can she escape the shame of her past?Caroline has had a sheltered, privileged upbringing. Will her natural confidence be shattered when she learns about her boyfriend's hidden life?Despite rationing, heartache, and the endless war, the Bletchley Park girls prepare for an unforgettable Christmas.From the bestselling author of the Library Girls of the East End series, a heartwarming and riveting wartime sagaPraise for Patricia McBride:'a compelling story of friendships and the hardships of war, with excellent sketches of the East End. I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend.' Rosie Clarke'I was hooked from page one. Rich in historical detail and with characters you feel you know... Highly recommended!' Lynette Rees'A brilliant read - the sort of book you can immerse yourself in completely ... You couldn't read the story without it reaching your heart, or without wanting to know what will become of these women' Fran Smith'This took me to the east end of London during the blitz, so well written and researched. Great storytelling, very evocative.' ★★★★★ Reader Review'I couldn't put it down! The characters and their stories. It is well written and researched' ★★★★★ Reader Review'Such a well written book like the ones before ,very readable and full of characters that are so believable.' ★★★★★ Reader Review

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80553 Sat, 07 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Emma Burstall - Beneath the Lemon Trees - Escape to Crete in a BRAND NEW uplifting story of love and new beginnings from Emma Burstall for 2024]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80554

Pre-order the breathtaking, new escapist novel from Emma Burstall, perfect for fans of Victoria Hislop, Carol Kirkwood and Karen Swan.A magical villa. A life-changing summer...Heartbroken after the loss of a friend and the collapse of her marriage, Stella hopes that this trip to the idyllic Greek island of Crete will give her and her family a chance to heal. And when she first steps into the breath-taking Villa Ariadne, with its views over the azure waters and intoxicating scent of lemons, Stella's troubles seem to melt away.Until the arrival of an old acquaintance, and an unwelcome revelation, threaten to undermine the peace at the villa, and Stella is forced to make a difficult decision.But with the help of Crete's beautiful scenery and the kindness of its locals, Stella is about to discover that Villa Ariadne can still offer an escape... and so much more. Can she open herself up to the possibility of love and find the strength to start again?Praise for Emma Burstall:'With a delightful Greek backdrop and an enticing mix of a fractured family, strained friendships, plus a healthy dose of mystery, love and loss, Beneath the Lemon Trees is a gorgeous summer escape' Kate Frost'A wonderful escapist novel - mysteries, revelation and happy endings make it a perfect summer read' Rachel Burton'Brilliant' Phillipa Ashley'A novel to lose yourself in' Faith Hogan'Step into a world of pure escapism in this gripping tale of family secrets, sibling rivalry and summer romance' Chat Magazine'A charming, warm-hearted read... Pure escapism' Alice Peterson'Burstall is a great writer, and this is not your usual run-of-the-mill chick lit... I was gripped from the start' Daily Mail'Burstall has a true knack for transporting you to her world' Jane Corry'Wow, what an incredible rollercoaster of a read! From the minute I picked up this book, I was swept away by the vividly described landscapes and mouthwatering descriptions of Crete's delectable cuisine.' Reader review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'Fabulous, fabulous book, loved every minute of it. The storyline, the varied characters. The setting made me feel I was on holiday.' Reader review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'Loved it. A magical villa, a broken family, a dead best friends husband being awkward, beautiful food descriptions, clear blue seas. Just read and escape. Perfect for September blues.' Reader review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'Heartwarming and heartbreaking in equal measures! I loved this book so much and could relate to it and the characters! Beautifully written, really made you feel like you were right there in Greece!' Reader review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'A charming book about marriage, grief, friendship and parenting, all set in a charming villa under the Cretan sun.' Reader review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'What a lovely story, full of loss and grief, love and hope.' Reader review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80554 Fri, 06 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Barbara Adhiya - Hope by Terry Fox]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80747

Featuring excerpts from Terry's very own Marathon of Hope journal, Hope by Terry Fox shares the untold story of a well known hero - the goofy, resilient, and courageous 21-year-old who rallied a nation behind his mission. In 1976, when Terry Fox was just eighteen years old, he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and his right leg was amputated just above the knee. It quickly became his mission to help cure cancer so others would not have to endure what he had gone through. He dreamed up a Marathon of Hope - a fundraising run across Canada, from St. John's, Newfoundland, to Victoria, British Columbia. 5,300 miles. When he set off on April 12, 1980, Canadians were dubious. But as he continued across the country, enthusiasm grew to a frenzy. Sadly, Terry's cancer returned, and after 143 days and 3,339 miles, he was forced to stop his Marathon of Hope. He passed away in 1981, but the nation picked up his mission where he left off, and the annual Terry Fox Run has even spread to cities around the world, raising more than $850 million to date - well over Terry's goal of one dollar for every Canadian. After conducting over fifty interviews with people throughout Terry's life - ranging from his siblings, nurses, and coaches to volunteers during the Marathon of Hope - editor Barbara Adhiya discovers how Terry was able to run a marathon a day. Through their stories, passages from Terry's marathon journal, and over 200 photos and documents, Hope by Terry Fox shows that with enough resilience, determination, humility, and support, ordinary people can do impossible things.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80747 Thu, 05 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Amy Andrews - Look What You Made Me Do - A BRAND NEW spicy sports romance from USA Today bestseller Amy Andrews for 2024]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80556

Preorder a SPICY sports romance from Amy AndrewsA disgraced football star, a high school in need of saving and a reunion too hot to handle.Headteacher Ella Lucas and football star Jake Prince have a very complicated history! Their mind-blowing encounter two years ago is proving impossible to forget now Jake has reappeared in Ella's life after being booted out of the NFL.She knew he was trouble back then but Ella has enough on her plate right now to worry about Jake and his shenanigans. Except, her school's on the brink of closure, and it appears he's the one person who can actually help. All he has to do is coach the underdog football team to a winning streak and maybe Ella can help Jake restore his tarnished reputation in the process. With nothing to lose, Jake reluctantly agrees.As the school season heats up so does their inevitable chemistry. Far from being stuck in the past, the sparks between them are burning hot. And although he may look like her next mistake, Ella is determined that she will keep her hands off the anti-hero even if he does still have the best tight end on the planet. Because Ella has one golden rule: they are never ever getting together....Previously published as Holding Out For A Hero.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80556 Thu, 05 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Mary Grand - Christmas Murder - A BRAND NEW gripping, festive cosy mystery from Mary Grand for Christmas 2024]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80548

'I thoroughly enjoyed this intriguing mystery set in a beautiful location with deliciously menacing undercurrents.' Frances EveshamSusan didn't plan on being an amateur sleuth and, after two successful investigations, she's looking forward to a quiet Christmas. So, when local businesswoman Meera is in desperate need of help, Susan agrees rather reluctantly.The task should be easy enough. The infamous press mogul Duncan Fern is coming back to the Isle of Wight, the scene of his family's childhood holidays, to celebrate Christmas with his grown-up children and their partners, his new glamorous wife Kirsten who is forever dripping with diamonds, and the spikey editor of his paper the Morning Flame, Antoine. The newly-refurbished luxurious Bishopstone Manor is the perfect setting for a festive break and all Susan has to do is help Meera host.But when a snowstorm descends over the island, and the following morning a body is found, Christmas at the Manor takes a darker turn. Can Susan get to the bottom of the mystery before the murderer strikes again...A brand new cosy Isle of Wight mystery perfect for fans of Frances Evesham, Faith Martin and LJ Ross.'A fascinating whodunnit to stimulate even the most demanding of amateur sleuths.' T.A. WilliamsReaders love Mary Grand mysteries:'A really terrific read. I have been reading and enjoying Mary's books for a number of years right from her first one, and this one was well up to Mary's high standard. Brilliant.''Another cracking murder mystery from Mary. It kept me intrigued through out. So many red herrings amongst the well created characters. With the added bonus of all the dogs.''I absolutely LOVE these psychological thrillers from Mary. On every page is another suspicious thing about someone but then at the end, the twist is a shocker! The fact the books are set on the Isle of Wight is another treat.''I love books where you are given lots of clues and have lots of suspects, and are continually changing your mind about who the murderer was. I've read other books by Mary Grand and she's very good at keeping you guessing. And, at the end, I still had it wrong!''Mary Grand has crafted another intriguing and cleverly thought out whodunnit. Prepare to be gripped and thrown around on this rollercoaster of a book. Cosy crime is rapidly becoming one of my favourite genres, and Mary Grand one of my favourite authors.'

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80548 Thu, 05 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Laurie Friedman - Spots and Stripes Celebrate Thanksgiving]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80419

It's Thanksgiving! Ms. Green and Spots and Stripes are at home cooking and baking for their holiday meal. Spots and Stripes have some very different ideas about what's on the menu. Will this dog and cat duo resolve their differences and find a way to show their gratitude together?

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80419 Thu, 05 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Laurie Friedman - Spots and Stripes and the Spooky Halloween]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80417

It's Halloween, and Ms. Green is busy in her flower shop. She leaves Spots and Stripes home to get ready for the night ahead. They're going to a haunted house! Spots can't wait, but Stripes is scared. Will this dog and cat duo find a way to enjoy Halloween together?

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80417 Thu, 05 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Alice Jolly - From Far Around They Saw Us Burn]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/79682

From Far Around They Saw Us Burn is the eagerly awaited first short story collection from Alice Jolly, one of the most exciting and accomplished voices in British fiction today. The extraordinary range of work gathered here is united by a fascination with how everyday interactions can transform our lives in unpredictable ways. These are stories of lonely people, outcasts and misfits, and the ghosts that inhabit our intimate spaces. The result is a compelling, arresting and, at times, devastating collection - not least in the title story, which was inspired by the tragic true events of the 1943 Cavan orphanage fire. With an exemplary eye for detail and an intimate understanding of the complexities of human nature, Jolly's collection builds up towards the ultimate question: what is revealed of us when we peel away the surfaces, and is it enough?

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/79682 Thu, 05 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Camilla Isley - This Is Not a Holiday Romance]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80439

Two sworn enemies, snowed in over Christmas with chemistry that will melt the ice!Nina Thompson has one Christmas wish: to avoid her brother's obnoxiously handsome best friend, Tristan, like the plague. From the moment he humiliated her as a teenager to their escalating revenge schemes, Nina and Tristan's relationship can only be defined as an all-out prank war! And there is yet to be a winner.But it just so happens the ghost of Christmas present has other ideas. When Tristan unexpectedly crashes her family's Christmas, Nina's dreams of a peaceful holiday vanish faster than Santa up a chimney. Determined to end their rivalry for good, she braces herself for one last prank-filled showdown.But when they find themselves snowed in, with no way of avoiding each other amongst the holiday festivities, they discover their heated exchanges have been masking a different kind of sizzle. Caught in a snow globe of holiday romance, they decide to let their fiery chemistry burn bright-but this is absolutely and unequivocally nothing more than a secret fling destined to melt with the snow, this is not a forever romance...This Is Not a Holiday Romance is an enemies to lovers, brother's best friend, forced proximity rom-com perfect for fans of Sarah Adams, Abby Jimenez, and Lynn Painter.Praise for Camilla Isley:"He's a billionaire and so is she! This is no ordinary billionaire romance. It is a romcom full of wit, charm, sexual chemistry and brains." Laura Carter"Sexy, funny, romantic and heartfelt - this book has it all - a must read." Sandy Barker"A fast-paced, entertaining will-they-won't-they that kept me on tenterhooks to the end." Phoebe MacLeod

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80439 Wed, 04 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Jessica Redland - The Best is Yet to Come - Escape to the Lakes, Book 3]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80431

Escape to the Lakes with MILLION-COPY BESTSELLER Jessica Redland.Emma is having a fresh start.After a successful teaching career, an exciting new chapter awaits Emma - helping her fiancé Grayson run one of Beatrix Potter's farms. While imagining days spent supporting Grayson with his dream, working the land and helping with the animals, Emma harvests a dream of her own - to set up an alpaca-walking business around the farm.But working together isn't as easy as Emma expected. Soon her dreams are in tatters and, broken-hearted, she must start over yet again.When Oliver, Rosie and the team at Willowdale Hall welcome Emma with open arms, she can't believe her luck. But starting a new business in a new place is a daunting prospect, especially when it comes with unexpected obstacles. With a reserved, prickly groundskeeper as a partner, rapidly changing family dynamics to contend with, and time running out to get her new career off the ground, Emma may have bitten off more than she can chew.But even though things are not going to plan just yet, the best is yet to come for Emma, if she can just take a leap of faith and follow her heart...Escape to the Lake District with million-copy bestseller Jessica Redland, for an uplifting story of family, friendship and love.Praise for Jessica Redland:'Jessica Redland writes from the heart, with heart, about heart' Nicola May'I loved my trip to Hedgehog Hollow. An emotional read, full of twists and turns' Heidi Swain'The Hedgehog Hollow series is a tonic I'd recommend for everyone. There is so much to make you smile in Jessica's stories and they are always uplifting reads, which will make you really glad you decided to pick up a copy.' Jo Bartlett'An emotional, romantic and ultimately uplifting read. Jessica always touches my heart with her sensitive handling of difficult subjects. The gorgeous community she has built around Hedgehog Hollow is one I hope to visit again and again.' Sarah Bennett'A beautifully written series that offers the ultimate in heartwarming escapism.' Samantha Tonge on the Hedgehog Hollow series'Hedgehog Hollow is a wonderful series that has found a special place all of its own deep in the hearts of readers, including mine.' Jennifer Bohnet'A warm hug of a book. I never wanted to leave Hedgehog Hollow. Very highly recommended.' Della Galton'Redland takes you on a heart-warming ride that navigates broken hearts and painful secrets, but ultimately restores your faith in the power of love. I absolutely adored it.' Jenni Keer'I fell in love with this story from page one.' Helen Rolfe'A tender love story, full of sweet touches and beautiful characters.' Beth Moran'A warm-hearted and beautiful book. Jessica Redland doesn't shy away from the fact that life can be very difficult, but she reminds us that we all can find love, hope and joy again.' Sian O'Gorman'Achingly poignant, yet full of hope - You will fall in love with this beautiful Christmas story' Sandy Barker'A heartwarming story set in a beautiful location... Love, friendship and the power of letting go are all covered in this gorgeous, beautifully written story.' Katie Ginger on The Start of Something Wonderful'I enjoyed a wonderful escape to the Lake District in this tale of loss, love and rediscovery.' Gillian Harvey on The Start of Something Wonderful'An emotional but uplifting page turner. The Secret to Happiness is a beautiful story of friendship and love' Fay Keenan

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80431 Tue, 03 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[andrea bennett - Hearty - On Cooking, Eating, and Growing Food for Pleasure and Subsistence]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80308

Thoughtful, wide-ranging essays exploring food as a source of pleasure, practical creativity, and sustenance Food is the primary way andrea bennett connects with the world. They worked in the restaurant industry for a decade, and though they don't eat much meat and can't eat gluten, they take as much pleasure in food as Jeffrey Steingarten, Anthony Bourdain, or Guy Fieri. When they want to show someone they care, they cook them a meal. The essays in Hearty offer a snapshot of the North American cultural relationship to food and eating. Hearty dives deep into specific foods, such as chutney, carrots, and ice cream, but also explores appetite and desire in food media, the art of substitution, seed saving and the triumphs and trials of being a home gardener, how the food system works (and doesn't), and complex societal narratives around health and pleasure. Combining journalism, cultural commentary, and personal reflection, Hearty follows bennett's curiosity into kitchens, gardens, fields, and factories, offering a compassionate and compelling perspective on food from seed to table.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80308 Tue, 03 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Jaimie Admans - Christmas Ever After - A BRAND NEW uplifting, festive romance from Jaimie Admans for Christmas 2024]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80649

Preorder the BRAND NEW utterly magical Christmas Romance from bestseller Jaimie Admans!A picture-perfect town, a place where dreams come true. Welcome to Ever After Street...It's the most wonderful time of the year, but Franca Andrews has never felt more miserable. With business far from bustling, she needs a Christmas miracle to keep her beloved nutcracker shop open... But there's one man standing in her way - expert snow globe maker Raff Dardenne.Dardenne Snow Globes have a magical reputation for bringing lovers together, a myth Raff continues to exploit. But this Christmas their shops are pitted against each other and only one gets to stay on Ever After Street. Franca doesn't know how her handmade nutcrackers are ever going to compete with Raff's snow globes, especially at the most magical time of the year!As these two enemies get to know each other, Franca discovers another side to Raff - kind, caring and funny. But unless she can prove that his magical snow globes can't really match true lovers together, she's going to lose everything...But maybe it's not too late for them to put aside their differences and find some Christmas magic of their own?Perfect for fans of Holly Martin, Kat French and Caroline Roberts!What people are saying about Jaimie Admans!'This is Jaimie at her warm and whimsical best, a magical story to sweep you off your feet!' Bestselling author Tilly Tennant'This beautiful story is perfect for those who need a sprinkle of fairy dust in their lives. Heartwarming, joyful, with some true laugh out loud parts. I can't wait for more in the series.' Bestselling author, Rebecca Raisin'A sparkling and enchanting romance sprinkled with love, laughter and a little bit of magic.' Bestselling author Holly Martin.

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80649 Mon, 02 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Shari Low - One Midnight With You - BRAND NEW from Shari Low, a heartfelt feel-good read for 2024]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80648

Brand NEW from No1 multi-million copy bestselling author Shari LowWhat would you do if you had just twenty-four hours to change your life?Ailish Ryan has been in hiding since her husband's affair ended their marriage. But when a friend forces her to face her new reality, will she choose to revisit the past or embrace a brand-new future?Ailish's daughter, Emmy, thought her boyfriend was nothing like her cheating father, but now she's not so sure. As the hours pass, she turns detective to find out if she picked the right man, or if history is repeating itself.Grandmother, Minnie Ryan is on a mission to deliver a very special gift to a lifelong friend. But will dogged determination and a touch of divine intervention be enough to overcome the obstacles that fate puts in her way?Dario Moretti has spent his whole life working in the family business, but now it's in trouble and he's all out of options. Will he have the strength to let it go, even if it means hurting the people he loves?The clock is ticking... but will twenty-four hours be long enough to heal four broken hearts?#1 bestseller Shari Low is back with her brilliant new release about love, life and the countdown to the new year. Perfect for the fans of Beth Moran and Debbie HowellsPraise for Shari Low:'I devoured One Midnight With You. It's brimming with emotion, humour and heart - and as ever, Shari's loveable characters leap off the page. A novel that's as heady as Hogmanay itself!' - Fiona Gibson'Shari Low does it again - a fun and fizzing tale of friendship, lost love, trust and hope - an easy five stars from me' - Zoe Folbigg'Feel-good and fabulous, another smasher from Shari Low, I didn't want the story to end' - Samantha Tonge'Hilarious and heartbreaking with a cast of characters that leap off the page and feel like friends. Shari's best book yet, the perfect pick-you-up and should be on everyone's New Year reading list'. - Alex Brown'An absolute treat of a book... Cleverly plotted with wonderfully warm characters & plenty of surprises!' - Helen Rolfe'Funny, warm and insightful' - Dorothy Koomson'Great fun from start to finish' - Jenny Colgan'More fun than a girl's night out!'- OK! Magazine'A brilliant read with some fabulous twists and turns' - Bookbag'Highly recommended' - The Sun'Totally captivating and it felt like I'd lost a new best friend when it came to the end' - Closer Magazine'Touching stuff' - Heat Magazine

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80648 Mon, 02 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Hannah Lynn - Snowflakes Over the Second Chances Sweet Shop - The Holly Berry Sweet Shop Series, Book 7]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80437

It'll be a Christmas to remember ...Holly Berry is finally in a place where she can see her happy ending: a beautiful daughter, who's growing ever sweeter by the day, a new home she can make her own, and - of course - her partner-in-crime, Evan.But when tragedy strikes, Holly's life is thrown into turmoil. And, perhaps in denial, she decides to cancel all of her Christmas plans in favour of some healing of her own.She thinks spending time with Evan's family will help, but it's her own family she needs to be with right now. Luckily, they know this, and follow her out to the States to join her in her alternate holiday plans.They say that time heals all wounds, and with her loved ones around her, can she hope for a brighter tomorrow...?A heart-wrenching and ultimately uplifting story about friends, family and true love lasting forever, from the bestselling author of the Wildflower Lock seriesPraise for Hannah Lynn:'A delightful, well written tale, full of wonderful characters in a charming setting. I loved it!' Katie Fforde'A real feel good read. With the beautiful backdrop of the Cotswold countryside and the delightful sweet shop what could possibly go wrong?' ★★★★★ Reader Review'I loved this book a lot! The romance was so sweet. And the setting was perfect.' ★★★★★ Reader Review'I've loved everything about this book and this series. Hannah Lynn has become an instant read author for me' ★★★★★ Reader Review'Gosh, what a story, I hope that you enjoy it as much as I have. It's full of love and friendship' ★★★★★ Reader Review'Hannah Lynn has a way of putting stories together that are enchanting' ★★★★★ Reader Review

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80437 Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Evangeline Anderson - Sworn to the Orc - Hidden Hollow, Book 1]]> https://lismio.app/audiobook/80314

Sarah has been bound all her life-a spell cast on her during childhood keeps her from talking to strangers or having romantic relationships. But when she's drawn to Hidden Hollow, a gruff and growly Orc helps her unlock the mystery behind her strange dilemma. Can the two of them free Sarah from her enchantment? Or will the family curse hovering over her head get them both killed? Find out in this Spicy Monster Romance! Hi, I'm Sarah and my life is a mess. I lost my online job and my rent just doubled... Luckily, just when I was at my lowest point, a strange messenger came to my apartment. He had an envelope that contained my Grandmother's last will and testament. Only...I had forgotten all about her. How was that possible? I was about to find out. When a mysterious door appeared in my living room, I walked through it...and found myself in the world of Hidden Hollow--a snug New England town where it's inexplicably always Autumn. A magic bubble surrounds the town, making sure that no one without magic talent can come in. But where does that leave me? I don't have any magic...do I? Surprise-it turns out I'm descended from a long line of witches. At least, that's what the scary Orc who chased me through the backyard of my new house told me after he calmed down. Also there's a curse on my family and apparently I'm the one who's supposed to break it-but how? Who knows what Hidden Hollow holds for me? And should I be getting so close to the Orc next door? Are humans and Orcs compatible that way? I'd better find out quick because trouble is brewing and I'm going to need a man-or an Orc-to stand by my side when the storm breaks. Because in Hidden Hollow...anything is possible. *Tropes-Enemies to Lovers, Opposites Attract, Big Size Difference, He Falls First, Hero has two Peens, Br33ding. What you'll get in this Spicy Small Town Monster Romance: ``Slow burn with an actual plot that leads to extremely hot and spicy scenes ``Growly Orc who turns into a total protective Cinnamon Roll ``A town full of secrets including a Grocery Story that stocks some very unusual items `` All kinds of Creatures including Centaurs, Satyrs, Krakens, Gargoyles, Fairies, Witches and more

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https://lismio.app/audiobook/80314 Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000