Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati

The Most Sublime Confidential Knowledge Yoga Of The Sri Isopanisad

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This great work is a key scripture of the Vedanta sub-schools, and an influential Śruti to diverse schools of Hinduism. It is also the 40th chapter of Yajurveda. The name of the text means roughly enveloped by the Lord", or "hidden in the Lord (Self)". The text discusses the Atman (Soul or Self) and is referenced by both Dvaita (dualism) and Advaita (non-dualism) sub-schools of Vedanta. Mahatma Gandhi thought so highly of this scripture he remarked, "If all the Upanishads and all the other Vedas happened all of a sudden to be reduced to ashes, and if only the first verse in the Sri Isopanisad were left in the memory Varn Ashram Dharma would live forever." Produced by Macc Kay Production executive Avalon Giuliano ICON Intern Eden Giuliano Music By AudioNautix With Their Kind Permission Jagannatha Dasa is the author of over thirty internationally bestselling biographies, including the London Sunday Times bestseller Blackbird: The Life and Times of Paul McCartney and Dark Horse: The Private Life of George Harrison. He can be heard on the Westwood One Radio Network and has written and produced over seven hundred original spoken-word albums and video documentaries on various aspects of popular culture. He is also a well known movie actor.
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