Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

A Sherlock Holmes Mystery - Episode 1 - The Adventure of the Winchester Heart-Breaker

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You need more Sherlock? You love the stories of The Canon but you want more ... more stories that are similar to the original sixty. You have come to the right place. The Adventure of the Winchester Heart-Breaker: "To the man who loves intellectual stimulation," remarked Sherlock Holmes, "London in August is the lowliest month on the calendar. Those with the means to do so have departed for the Algarve and the Riviera. Those without are off to Blackpool and Brighton." "And what about those," I asked, "who are left behind? You and I are still here." "You at least have your sensational accounts of my efforts to keep scribbling. I, on the other hand, am losing faith in the enterprising criminal class. They appear to have faded into the great unobservant public and are somnambulating about the city, doing nothing more than stealing lead pencils from blind beggars."
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